Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Is there Cafein Interwoven and Risk Infertility?

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Is there Cafein Interwoven and Risk Infertility?

One question often seems dipikiran some women seeking to become pregnant, ie whether the content of caffeine in a cup of coffee or tea could affect their fertility? Opportunities exist braid on the caffeine, fertility, and indeed the rate of miscarriage is still so conversation in a group of several scientists. To gain a little description of the braid on caffeine and fertility, preferably when you watch footage referral until now recognized as well as benchmark the number of doctors and patients is: 1. Area 20% of American adults consume increasingly more 300 mg caffeine daily. Most research has been reported that the addition of caffeine consumption (becoming more 300-500 mg) is still included middle, but by way of statistics this kind of thing already resulted penuruanan fertility is quite important. Consuming caffeine in large amounts can have a big role with fertility problems. The March of Dimes website referencing that some women trying to conceive good growing consumption not more than 200 milligrams of caffeine / day. 2. How does caffeine work in the cause of infertility is still not bright. Do not know also whether consuming caffeine can increase the production of the hormones estrogen or even lower the estrogen metabolism. In fact there are also other, consuming caffeine is associated with tubal infertility and infertility due to aspects related to endometriosis. Generally, studies done on coffee drinkers do not consider other sources of caffeine which could possibly alter fertility. 3. There was no strong evidence that caffeine consumed by man or husband would affect fertility. The impact of caffeine on the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF) also can not be proven because is still a lack of research. Based on the results of the above studies, some experts conclude that the impact of caffeine on the decline in the fertility rate is still not bright. Shortly most other studies show the effects of caffeine on fertility despite not having an impact. Although the research did not find some allegedly caffeine completely on fertility, but decreased levels of caffeine consumption may just be the inspiration that good. Caffeine, Endometriosis, as well as EstrogenBeberapa studies have found that caffeine may alter the content of estrogen, especially facing higher flow rates. First research found that women who drink caffeine struggling to get pregnant, it may be more inclined to have endometrio

Ditulis Oleh : Rachmat // 11.07

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